Advanced Computational and Smart Materials Development Laboratory
2023 - Onwards, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
2018-2023, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Rourkela
2015-2018, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) in Chemical Engineering,, AISSMS COE, University of Pune
Master of Technology (M.Tech.) in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Thesis title: Convective Flow and Heat Transfer Analysis by Thermal Lattice Boltzmann method
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Advanced chemical engineering mathematics
Modelling and simulation
Heat transfer
Chemical Engineering mathematics
Fluid mechanics
Included in the Top 2% of most Influential Scientists worldwide based on the Scopus publications impact for 2020 and 2021, published by Elsevier.
Honorary Regional Secretary, Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, IIChE (2022-2023).
Young Scientist Award (December 2015), by Venus Research Foundation, Chennai, India.
Best Researcher Award (December 2017), by the University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, India.
Life Member of Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers, IIChE (LM-56580)
Life Member, Institution of Engineers India (IEI), M-1643066
Professional responsibilities
Convener, International conference on ‘Advances in Smart Materials, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering- CHEMSMART-22’, December 16-18, 2022.
Assistant Warden, Homi Bhabha Hall of Residence, NIT Rourkela, 2020-2022
Member, On-Campus Business Committee, NIT Rourkela, June 2021- February 2022
Convener, National e-conference on ‘Recent Trends in Fluid Dynamics Research-RTFDR21’, held during April 2-4, 2021.
Coordinator of TEQIP-iii sponsored three-day National e-Short Term Course on ‘Advanced Mathematical Techniques for Engineers & Scientists- AMTES20’ organized during September 28-30, 2020.
Coordinator of TEQIP-iii sponsored a five-day National workshop on ‘Introduction to Different Computational Methods for Fluid Flow & Heat Transfer Problems (ICMFHT19)’ organized during July 1-5, 2019.
Member of organizing committee, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANO FOR ENERGY AND WATER (NEW-2017) & Indo-French Workshop on Water Networking, February 22-24, 2017, UPES Dehradun
Member of organizing committee, 10th Uttrakhand State Science and Technology Congress (USSTC) 2016 Organized by: Uttrakhand State Council for Science and Technology (UCOST), February 10-12, 2016, UPES Dehradun
Member of organizing committee, One Day Workshop (April 16, 2016) on “Advances in Petroleum and Petrochemicals”, UPES Dehradun
Demonstrated ANSYS-FLUENT for heat and fluid flow problems to undergraduate students under Professional Software Development (PST) Program, 2015.
Volunteered- Advances in Chemical Engineering (ACE-2013), Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee,
February 2013.
Interested in Space Research and related literature.
Reviewer of many peer-reviewed journals, such as Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, Int. J. Mechanical Sciences, Int. Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, Thermal Science Journal, Heat Transfer - Asian Research, Propulsion and Power Research, etc.